On 13th November 2019 a devasting wind destroyed houses, crops and properties in the Mpolweni/New Hanover district. One of the affected farmers was a member of Grocane’s short term insurance scheme, which is brokered by Marsh Insurers and underwritten by Old Mutual Insurance.
The Grocane member received compensation for their losses as well as a generous “trauma” pack. When it was discovered that seven of the farm’s employees had lost their houses, the insurers sprang into action and provided all the employees with very generous food parcels.
These parcels were handed over to the recipients at a small ceremony on the Members farm. Present were representatives from Old Mutual, Marsh Insurance (Mr Kurt Wright) as well as Grocane.
(Director – Mr Heinrich Eggers and Field Manager Mr Ian Stewart)
It is hoped that this gesture went some way in enhancing their Christmas break.